As our youngest disciples, kids are so very important to Asbury. We are so excited that you are here and hope to get to connect with you and your family soon. You can find more information about what you can expect from our Sunday programs as well as monthly and annual events below. 


Asbury is also home to Asbury Day School. Licensed through the state of Texas, Asbury Day School offers a nurturing and educational Christian environment for preschool, pre-K and Kindergarten age children in the Pasadena, Deer Park, La Porte, Clear Lake and surrounding communities. To learn more about the Asbury Day School click HERE.


Asbury's nursery is open Sundays from 8:45 AM to 12:15 PM and available for children newborn through 3 years old. Our nursey is designed with dedicated infant and toddler spaces that allow for safe age appropriate play and activities while allowing for high visability of all children and effortless communication between nursery staff. Through music, play and crafts children will begin to learn of God’s great love for them.


We offer PreK and Elementary Sunday School classes from 10:00 AM to 10:50 AM for children 3 years through 5th Grade. Our Sunday School lessons include a variety of activities, to help provide children with a meaningful understanding of who Jesus is and how much God loves them. Using stories found in the Bible, children will engage with God’s word, learn that Jesus is with them always and how they can worship, grow, serve and share Jesus everywhere they go. They will also have a lot of fun!


During the 11:00 AM Worship Service we offer WOW Worship (an interactive worship experience designed specifically for children 3 years to 3rd grade) in our children's ministry wing (located in the same building as the sanctuary).  Children will begin worship in the sanctuary and after the children's message those who want to participate in WOW worship will head down the hall with our children's ministry director Mrs. Paula and our WOW Worship volunteers. WOW worship is offered every Sunday except the 1st Sunday of the month when we celebrate communion together.


Volunteers at Asbury are trained to create an atmosphere where families can confidently leave their children while they are in worship. Directors and nursery staff are CPR & First Aid certified. All staff and volunteers are Safe Sanctuary Trained and background checked. Don't worry parents - we've got this!


As parents ourselves, Asbury's children's ministry understands what it's like to navigate life with children. On Sundays we want to help make your family's time worshiping, growing, serving and sharing together as meaniful and comfortable as possible. To do this we offer:

- GLIDERS: Located on either side of the sanctuary gliders are reserved for parents with small children to utlize as desired during all worship services. We love children, and they are always welcome in worship.


- PARLOR: If you find yourself wanting to step out of worship, our Parlor (located across the hall from the Nursery) is avaialble with a comfortable seating area, open floor space and a TV streaming the wroship service. 


WORSHIP BAGS: Located at the main entrance of the sanctuary age appropriate Worship Bags filled with coloring sheets, colors and more are available for families to pick up as desired.


Bible Blast

Calling all kids 3rd -5th Grade. Bible Blast is just for you! We will learn all about our Bible, and how to better use them in our walk with the Lord! Begins Wednesday Jan 15th.

Parent's Night Out

February 7 | 5:30PM-8:00PM

Parent's Night Out events are sprinkled throughout the year at Asbury. Kids will enjoy dinner, hanging out with friends as well as some fun activites. Parents, you get a few hours to yourself! 


ExcelLENT - Egg Hunt

Egg-hunt, crafts, the Easter story and more! This fun, family focused event is filled with age appropriate activities that will help children better understand what Easter is all about.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Vacation Bible School, or VBS, is a fun-filled program offered during the summer. Each year has a new theme and scripture focus. We hope you will join us for this incredible experience. 

Family Sunday

Family Sunday at Asbury  is an incredible day of worship for all! Our kids lead worship at both services and grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, all family members are encouraged to come.

3rd Grade Bible Presentation

Studying Scripture is one of the most important ways we learn about God. Asbury presents personal Bibles to each third grade student as a statement of their growing faith development and as recognition of their being old enough to study Scripture on their own. This Bible is a gift from the congregation. It is our prayer that this gift will be a starting point for a deeper relationship with God.

Blessing of the Students

Every year before the start of the new school year Asbury has a special blessing over students and teachers during both our 9AM and our 11AM worship services. 

Bible Blast

Calling all kids 3rd -5th Grade. Bible Blast & Bible Blast 2.0 is just for you! We will learn all about our Bible, and how to better use them in our walk with the Lord!

Summer Choir Camp

Every summer Asbury sends kids to Choir Camp at Lakeview where they experience a wide range of activites!

Discipleship Retreat

A fun-filled age appropriate day where kids are taught about what it means to be a disdiple of Jesus through worship, spiritual growth, serving others and sharing about Jesus!

Storytime in the Patch

Come join us for Story Time in the Pumpkin Patch at Asbury!

Each Wednesdays in October we'll share stories and activities from 10am to 11am. Meet us out in the pumpkin patch for some fun and fellowship!

Fall Festival

Join us for some Halloween Fun! It'll be all treats and no tricks. We'll have games, entertainment and candy for all ages. This is a free event for everyone.

Family Christmas Worship

While everyone is welcome to worship at this Christmas service, our Family Christmas Service is specifically geared toward families with young children. Kids will have the opportunity to participate in several different aspects of the service. Come join us as we celbrate the birth of Jesus together!

ADVENTure Christmas Event

Every December we prepare our homes with a tree, ornaments and lights for the Christmas season. Advent is how we prepare our hearts for Jesus. Come experience Advent in a fun, hands-on event for the whole family, including a look at some traditions of the Christmas season that will help us get our hearts ready for Christ all over again. 

Parent's Night Out

Parent's Night Out events are sprinkled throughout the year at Asbury. Kids will enjoy dinner, hanging out with friends as well as some fun activites. Parents, you get a few hours to yourself! 


We're raising up the next generation of world changers to love God and His house!