Asbury's Serve Team has organized a food drive to prepare Thanksgiving boxes for 80 families in our community (identified through PISD) who might not otherwise have a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Please see the list of non-perishable items below. You can drop off your donations at the church. We will be collecting food and monetary donations from now through Wednesday, November 17.
Shopping List
Turkey Gravy (Jar)-12oz
Mac & Cheese Box 7.25oz
Box Of Dressing-6oz
Mashed Potatoes -13.7oz
Chicken Broth-32oz
Can of Corn-15.25oz
Con of swee Yams-29.oz
Green Beans-28oz
Cooking Oil-24oz
Cranberry Sauce-14oz
Cake Mix & One (1) icing
Brown and Serve Rolls 12 in Pack
Please bring all food to the church by November 17th.
If you would like to donate to this ministry online, please go to, click the blue GIVE NOW button and once on the secure giving portal select "Holiday Missions" from the drop down menu. Thank you to everyone who has already donated!